Ex Parent Testimonials

"When Grade 4 strength was really low, we needed to shift Aahan to a mainstream school... 

Aahan had been at Aarambh since he was 3 years old. We were lucky and blessed to have Aarambh for Aahan’s golden foundational years.

When class 4 strength was really low, we needed to shift Aahan to a mainstream school. Contrary to our anxiety as parents, we were so relieved that Aahan adapted beautifully to the new school.

A big role was played by the the right experience he got from his early childhood years which only evoked his sense of curiosity. No doubt, Aahan needed a little bit of additional supplementary attention for academics in the first year, but thereafter he gelled very well with the mainstream class. As Waldorf Schools focuses on life lessons and imbibing life values like empathy, patience, respect, among many others-- everything else other than this can be learnt and adapted with ease. The aforementioned values via Aarambh in the initial years helped us as a family and has helped Aahan as a student make friends with confidence, enjoy the surroundings and have a deep sense of respect for all teachers.

Nikita Seth

"When Bahaar left Aarambh after 5 years, I really worried about whether she would be able to cope in other schools...

But today I can say proudly, as a parent and as a community member of the Waldorf community that she is doinig well.Last month her teachers called me to school and shared that bahaar is a unique student, her style of putting things is unique, her understanding and interpretation are deep. When the teacher asked all his students what they wanted to be when they grew up, Bahaar answered that she didnt know what she wanted to be after 12th but she knew she wanted to be a good human being, and the teacher felt mesmerized. I felt glad about my decision to put her in a Waldorf school, and now she is coping well in the current school."

Archana Singh

"Aarambh lived up to its name in Avi’s life. The well-rounded beginnings which shaped him to become this person... 

We couldn’t have asked for a better start for him. For us as parents and for Avi, it was not just a school, but was like an extended family where he learnt and grew with love and care. 

The values that he imbibed there, such as being independent, grounded, empathetic, caring, willful work, free thinking, teamplayer have tremendously helped him and continue to help him to adjust and thrive wherever he goes in future. His creativity, and his individuality was harnessed in the best possible way at Aarambh. He will always carry a part of Aarambh with him wherever he goes!"

Sonal Mandawewala